Eyelash Extension and Brow Building is nothing new in the beauty industry. Application is very popular and appeals to wider society. Ladies with dull eyebrows and thin lashes search for professional lash studios more often to try this unique method personally. But this procedure may not be pleasant for everyone. Sometimes it may be accompanied by undesired allergic reactions. This article will focus on the most frequent causes of allergy to eyelash extensions and glue:
1. Lash application at non-certified Lash Stylists
If you decide to get eyelash extensions, do not leave it to chance and find a professional lash studio with a certified Lash Stylist. She will make you an allergy test before the first application to evaluate your reactions and to adapt use of appropriate products. The only solution in case of reaction to the adhesive is the application using a no fume adhesive.
Solution: Find all the necessary information on Lash Stylist in advance (certification, completion of a course of the renowned brand).
2. Incorrect technological procedure
It may sometimes happen that False Lashes are applied on eye area with makeup on, without use of primary products for natural lash degreasing (Primer). Allergic reactions to eyelash extensions may be caused by not completely closed eyes, failure to respect the necessary distance on natural lashes, gluing a false lash directly on client's eyelid, use of excessive amount of glue, incorrect placement of gel pad and penetration of collagen into the eye.
Solution: Find all the necessary information on Lash Stylist in advance (certification, completion of a course of the renowned brand).
3. Place incorrectly equipped for the application
Eyelash Extension at home, without securing ideal conditions, doesn't have to turn out well. Lashes should be applied in well ventilated area, with air humidity of approximately 50%, in order to prevent allergic reaction to the adhesive. It is ideal to store adhesives in dry and cold environment (5-25°C).
4. Non-certified beauty products
Always be interested in type of products that will be applied during Eyelash Extension. Non-certified products can cause displeasing allergic reactions and they can permanently damage natural lashes. If you are allergic to adhesive fumes, you should definitely try the fume-free glue. The Smart Lashes brand offers painless solution for allergic clients in form of the Safety Glue. Application is easy and it doesn't cause any undesired effects. Applied lashes have durability of 2-3 weeks. All Smart Lashes adhesives are certified as beauty products.
5. Pollen and heating season
Do you undergo the application of eyelash extensions regularly and suddenly you have an allergic reaction? It may be caused by external factors (pollen and heating season, personal reactions, drugs). You can develop allergic reaction to the adhesive by long-term use of the same product. In such cases change the adhesive and try the fume-free Safety Glue for some time. Allergy symptoms will be reduced. The allergic reaction to the glue itself affects only 10% of clients. We recommend them to try the Safety Glue without fumes. In other cases the cause may be failure to comply with technological procedure and working with non-certified material.
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